who we are

Our Mission Statement

NMCWatch was established in 2017 to provide support to nurses, midwives and associated healthcare professionals who find themselves the subject of investigation either by their employer or regulating body.

We are passionate about supporting and empowering members during their processes and hope to provide positivity and allow people to share their experiences.

Our commitment is to be non-judgemental and assist where possible. We provide a platform to encourage members to pursue equality and fair treatment.

We have absolute respect for patients, families and loved ones who are involved in cases under investigation and do not wish to cause them any further distress.

We will always encourage reflection and continued professional development in order that care can be improved, lessons learned, and best practice can be shared.



NMCWatch is a supportive Community Interest Company (CIC) comprised of nurses, midwives and nursing associates …


Nurses and midwives – like all professionals working in health and care – are subject to scrutiny by a regulatory body.


We provide a non-judgmental support, advice and advocacy service for all nurses, midwives and nursing associates

Who we are

Meet the CiC

Our Committee has a wealth of experience across a broad range of healthcare practices.

Who we are

Our Admin team

The Admin team run our main support group on Facebook. It is a private group whose members have joined if they are registrants going through, or have been through Fitness to Practice investigations with the NMC.