What our Finance Director does
Role description
The overall role of a finance director, or treasurer, is to maintain an overview of the organisation’s financial affairs, ensuring it is viable and that proper financial records and procedures are maintained. The role and personal expectations are summarized below.
1. General financial oversight
- To oversee and present budgets, accounts and financial statements.
- To liaise with designated staff about financial matters.
- Ensure that appropriate accounting procedures and controls are in place.
- To ensure compliance with relevant legislation
- To ensure any recommendations of the auditors are implemented.
- To ensure accounts meet the conditions of contractual agreements with external agencies such as funders and statutory bodies.
2. Financial planning and reporting
- To present financial reports to the committee.
- To make a presentation of the accounts at the annual general meeting (AGM).
- To advise on the organisation’s reserves policy and investment policy
- To advise on the financial implications of the organisation’s strategic and operational plans.
- To advise on the fundraising strategy of the organisation.
- To ensure that there is no conflict between any investment held and the aims and objects of the charity.
3. Qualities and Skills Preferred
- Experience of financial control and budgeting.
- Experience of fundraising and pension schemes.
- Good communication and interpersonal skills.
- A willingness to be contacted on an ad hoc basis.
- Ability to ensure decisions are taken and followed up.
- Good time-keeping.
4. Time Commitment
- The role of the Finance Director requires an estimated commitment of 3 hours per month
- Length of service – 12 months minimum