Welcome to NMCWatch

Support during your FtP investigation
NMCWatch supports nurses, midwives, and other healthcare professionals, going through Fitness to Practice investigations by their regulator or employer.
Our Support services

Buddy Scheme
To develops resilience, understanding, and focus for FtP.
Legal Advocacy
To assist registrants with their FtP case.
Peer Support Group
Free online support in our closed Facebook group.
FTP guidance

I’ve been referred to the NMC – help!
Some quick help if you’ve just been referred and want to know what to do next.
Weaponisation of FtP – NS article summary
This is a summary of today's Nursing Standard article created for the...
Have you been referred to the NMC? Contact us as early as possible if you need our support.
About NMCWatch
We have helped
registrants get through FtP. So far.
We want the NMC to change its culture
We listen, observe, document, then pressurise.
With all our work, we bring a positive influence that protects the public and safeguards our profession.

NHS Trust referrals data
We have been collecting data through FOI requests for all NHS Trust referrals to the NMC 2019-23. This is collated in both map and list form and now gives us a starting point to analyse culture further.
Guides & Training

The FTP process
Step-by-step guides to help you.
However daunting it seems there is help and support all the way through your case.
FTP Guidance

Preparing your case - getting testimonials
A practical guide to asking for testimonials from colleagues and co-workers.

All the questions (FAQs)
There are extensive support materials on this site. You may find a quick answer by looking here first.

Prioritize Mental Health for UK nurses and midwives
28 nurses have died by suicide since 2016 as a direct consequence of their FtP cases. This is because of the profound and deeply personal effect the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s handling of FtP cases can have on registrants.
We are calling on the NMC to put mental health support mechanisms at the forefront of their operations.

How to get involved
Donate what you can

Our work involves regular expenses and payments for services and people’s time.
Your donations massively help us achieve the changes we so badly need for our profession.
How we help
“When I thought I was losing everything, felt worthless and hopeless, and my anxiety was high, I would talk things through with my buddy. They would calm me down, put things back into perspective and help me to restart.
Thank you for the buddy system. Talking through the challenging times is a lot easier knowing someone has gone through a similar process and can really relate to how you are feeling. I am forever grateful.”
Personal stories
The Fitness to Practice process: a registrant’s reflection
One of our members writes this revealing and candid reflection on their case...