more support
Template letters and forms, articles and other information that you might find useful during your FtP investigation and beyond.
What UK nurses and midwives should do when facing disciplinary proceedings.
Advice for UK Nurses and Midwives Facing Disciplinary Proceedings in the Workplace. Facing disciplinary proceedings in the workplace can be a daunting experience for nurses and midwives. It is essential to approach such situations clearly...
Mental Health First Aid
NMCWatch now have 9 qualified mental health first aiders as part of our core support.
Voluntary or Agreed Removal – podcast
Our panel of experts sat down to discuss the new NMC policy of Agreed Removal, which replaces...
Further Support
Links to organisations that we either work closely with or you might find useful. Bloom provides a...
Drafting of allegations / Charges
The NMC outlines why they have guidance on drafting of charges and it is fundamentally to ensure...
Legislation behind the NMC
Consolidated text versions of NMC legislation The order Legislation Short description PDF link The...
Consent to Disclosure form
If we are assisting you with your case the NMC will require a consent form from you - ask them to...
Revalidation FAQs
We have had a few people referred to the NMC due to not completing revalidation properly - some...
Subject Access Request Letter
Letter template [Your full address] [Phone number and email ] [The date] [Name and address of the...
Subject Access Requests
Subject Access Requests ( SAR ) are a really useful thing to do when preparing for your case...
Case study 24: Midwife’s No Case To Answer incurs massive hearing costs
An independent midwife was referred to the NMC five years ago. She had worked with a client who was expecting twins in 2019 and was planning a home...
Case study 22 – Upholding transparency and fairness: NMC must reform procedures for evidence disclosure and accountability
This midwife qualified in 2014 and began her career working at a Trust in...
Diary of a Registrant accused
This is a direct account from a member of NMCWatch who has consented for...
Case Study 21: a success story of remediation, employment, and support
This nurse was referred to the NMC at the end of 2022. She had an initial...
Case Study 20: case closed following effective advocacy and buddying
The case was closed at screening after only 5 months from referral. This...
Subject Access Request Letter
Letter template [Your full address] [Phone number and email ] [The date] [Name and address of the...
Undertakings – an example
This registrant has let us use her undertakings as an example - she successfully negotiated this...
Struggling with employment during FtP
We are told by many of our members that they struggle to gain employment whilst under a Fitness to...
Challenging NMC application to extend interim order
The NMC state on its website: "If it becomes necessary to extend an interim order timeframe, we...
Impact statements
The criminal justice system has used impact statements for a while now. Although they are rarely...
Appealing an Interim Review Order
This template has been put together by Human Rights Action and shared with us to help anyone...
Get your MP to help
Many of you have said you are willing to write to your Member of Parliament in order to try to...
A personal reflection
Here is an example of one reflection - this registrant was struck off the nursing register but...