the FtP process
Fitness to Practice: a comprehensive guide
The information in these guides is offered as a way to help you understand the complexities of the NMC Fitness to Practice process. However daunting it seems, there is always help and support all the way through your case.
The key, we have found, is to get in touch as early as you can, that way we can offer you the most comprehensive support.
We offer step-by-step guides, as well as our one-to-one Buddy Scheme and Advocacy Programme.
All our support and knowledge comes from our own FtP experiences.
Getting through FtP
Navigating the FtP process: step-by-step
There are approximately seven steps which we have broken down into different guides containing a lot of information. External sites, the NMC itself, wider press, our own case studies and industry guides are all referenced and linked to for you to get as much information as possible. Remember to always consult legal advice when going through FtP. If you are unable to access this contact us and we will try to help.
If you have just been referred
We would advise you to start by reading through what the first things to consider are. Then continue through the steps below.
What we do
NMCWatch offers three kinds of support
Buddy Scheme
A 1-2-1 service that aims to reduce the isolation and take the fear out of the FtP process.
Buddies are assigned from the same registry level and have concluded their own FtP cases.
Up to 10 hours to explore the impact and develop coping strategies.
Signposting for legal advice and other specific support areas, including financial.
Legal Advocacy
Following the success of our Advocacy Programme pilot, we have secured a long-term plan for assisting with fitness to practice cases.
This is in response to the many registrants who have no other options available or have found the alternatives have given them unsatisfactory results.
Peer Support Group
- Free online support to nurses and midwives via a closed Facebook page.
- Peer support to those suffering from the effects of the process.
- Linking to others in the same geographical area to give local support.
- Signposting to other organisations which can assist.
Our Support
Stronger. Together.
The hardest thing about going through an investigation by your regulator is the isolation and fear it creates. From the moment you receive that first letter, you are thrown into something which is akin to a grief response.
Through peer-to-peer support, from those who have been there, we will show you that you are not alone and that we can help you. We may not always agree with you, we may not tell you that what you did was right, but we will stand next to you and show you that you can get through this.
Stronger. Together. It’s as simple as that.
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Our Advocacy works!
The messages of thanks we get show the effect our Advocacy Programme has - read more on the Feedback page.