who we are

Meet the Admin team

Paula Gratton

Paula Gratton

Sue Oxton

Sue Oxton

Emma Shelton

Emma Shelton

Alison Love

Alison Love

Kenny Brady

Kenny Brady

Barbara Kirby

Barbara Kirby

The Admin team run our main support group on Facebook.

Admins are responsible for assisting new members of the group. They explain the role of the group to new members, signpost existing members to further support, and troubleshoot any conflicts or issues arising in the group.

The Facebook group is private. Members join if they are registrants going through, or have been through Fitness to Practice investigations with the NMC.

We have some members who are other healthcare professionals and because there is not this kind of support for them elsewhere, we welcome them to our group. Other regulators such as HCPC, British Dental Council, etc, have similar challenges for their members and it is interesting to understand the common themes.

When someone asks to join the group our admins run various checks to ensure they are genuine, that they fulfil the criteria and that they are going to adhere to the rules of the group, especially around privacy.

The admins’ job is also to monitor the group and ensure it runs smoothly, that everyone followings our ethos and to escalate if problems occur. Sometimes they have to escalate to safeguard the person, for example. All have a very good understanding of the FtP process and also understand the effects it can have. As volunteers they are dedicated to keeping our members safe and working towards a fairer process – we couldn’t do it without them.

who we are

Meet the CiC

Our Committee has a wealth of experience across a broad range of healthcare practices.

Find out more about us

If you would like to know more then send us a message via our contact page.