Support us

Donate what you can

We are constantly working with nurses and midwives, supporting them through various stages of Fitness to Practice investigations.

Our work generates a lot of expenses, whether the cost of ‘showing up’ to help people face-to-face, the running costs of this website, phones, insurance, etc.

We also aim to help registrants who are struggling financially during their FtP process. This enables people who are surviving through it to be in a better place to rebuild their careers and lives afterwards.

Please donate anything you can.

Thank you!

What your donations pay for:

Supporting one registrant through FtP –

£200 per day for Mackenzie’s friend

(For in-person hearings, the NMC will pay expenses for the registrant but not their legal rep/assistant.)

£75 per night (cheap) London hotel accommodation

£100 average return travel ticket to London

£100 per diem support payment to registrant.

  • We offer support for people at hearings when we can. We would like to be able to do this more regularly.
  • Most hearings are virtual now but a per diem to support time away from work really helps registrants.

“Buy a cuppa” – donate towards a recovery pack. Goodie bags for registrants having a particularly tough time (chocolate, candle, gift card, etc).


£15 admin cost of getting a new registrant onto the support group.

On average it takes at least 40 mins – 1hr once checks and a video call are completed.

Annual subscriptions

£130 website hosting

£150 CRM 

£120 Zoom

£500 Insurance

Buy a book by Simon Holborn

Simon has published several books based on his experiences of helping people through FTP. You can help support our work by buying any of these, either in paperback or Kindle format.

Click a cover to buy on Amazon.

My FTP Reflective Journey (Kindle)

Reflective assistance for Registrants facing fitness to practice proceedings

My FTP Reflective Journey (Paperback)

Reflective assistance for Registrants facing fitness to practice proceedings

The Empowered Registrant's Handbook (Paperback)

Unlocking Success in Fitness to Practice Proceedings

Become an Associate Member

Having your direct support is about knowing that the work we do is fully appreciated. It enables us to do our work and, crucially, to also demonstrate to policy-makers and funders how meaningful that work is.