The FTP process – Step 5 of 7
Navigating FtP: Appeals
All the information about Appealing your case result: what you can appeal and how to do so.
When we are told we can no longer practice or have restrictions placed on our practice, we go through a range of emotions. Much like a grieving process, they are never linear, you will move between each stage and back again, sometimes experiencing many different stages all at the same time.
Everyone deals with these emotions differently but the process can make you feel alone and very desperate. At this point it is important to pause and take a step back, to try to look at your situation from a neutral position as an onlooker rather than someone experiencing it first-hand.
The NMC will likely try to put you off appealing. They will tell you there is little hope of you winning, that the courts rarely overturn their decisions and that if you lose there will be high costs to pay. However, if the NMC is trying to put you off, think about why this may be?!
We have written this 15-page guide to help you find out what you can appeal against in your result, and how to do this. Urgency is critical, you only have 28 days from the date of your decision letter to start an appeal, so it is critical that you get the information you need to decide whether to start this process as soon as possible.
The NMCWatch Guide to Appealing FtP
This 15-page guide will give you all the options available (to date) for appealing your FtP case. The guide also gives you important information about what might happen in each scenario and how best to prepare for it.
Want to appeal?
We have helped many nurses and midwives appeal their case results. In fact, our founder, Cathryn Watters set NMCWatch up as a result of her own successful appeal in 2017.
Get in touch if you want help from us with your own appeal.