Letter template [Your full address] [Phone number and email ] [The...
Undertakings – an example
This registrant has let us use her undertakings as an example - she...
Struggling with employment during FtP
We are told by many of our members that they struggle to gain...
Challenging NMC application to extend interim order
The NMC state on its website: "If it becomes necessary to extend an...
Impact statements
The criminal justice system has used impact statements for a while...
Appealing an Interim Review Order
This template has been put together by Human Rights Action and...
Get your MP to help
Many of you have said you are willing to write to your Member of...
A personal reflection
Here is an example of one reflection - this registrant was struck...
Attending Hearings: can people attend during Covid?
During the pandemic hearings are continuing but happening virtually...