Rules and regs of FtP

Nov 16, 2022 | 0 comments

The following are the rules and guidance that the FtP process falls under – this page will grow as we learn more

Why meetings or hearings – am I notified for both? – read here 

Interim order reviews have to occur every 6months until the case is either closed or comes to a full hearing. The NMC are not under any duty to inform you of this review and it will occur automatically by a panel at a meeting. You need to request to attend this as a hearing and present your case so that the interim order can be reviewed proportionately and fairly. This is even more relevant when so many cases are needing to have extensions of IO’s via the high court – challenge politely and ask the NMC to keep making progress. The NMC lawyers have sent us this information to explain:

“Notice and procedure

8. [ (1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (6), following referral by the Council under article 22(5), no interim order may be made, varied, replaced or, in a case where article 31(5)(b) of the Order applies, confirmed by a Practice Committee unless it is satisfied that an interim order notice has been served by the Council.”

The NMC tell us that this means:

“If a registrant is subject to an Interim Suspension Order, the NMC is not required to notify case parties of a scheduled review meeting unless the concerns are in relation to a registrant’s health or the NMC and/or registrant and their representative are applying to change the current order…When an Interim Order is first imposed, the NMC Interim Order decision letter explains the options available to registrant’s and if they want to request a review hearing, we will always accommodate that request. “

Specific rules behind each stage of FtPread here

Up to date version of all of our legislation (including our Order and our Rules) on our website here: Our order and rules – The Nursing and Midwifery Council (



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