About our support roles

What our Freedom to Speak Up Guardian does

Role description & responsibilities

This role is part of the subgroup that supports the CIC committee.

The role’s tasks include:

  1. Understand and familiarise themselves with the appropriate policies in place:
  2. Raising and Escalating Concerns Policy
  3. Safeguarding Policy
    • Ensure group members are supported in speaking up
    • Ensure barriers to speaking up are addressed
    • Ensure a positive culture of speaking up is fostered
    • Ensure any issues raised are used as opportunities for learning and improvement
    • Operate independently, impartially and professionally
    • Review current policy and advise the committee of any amendments required
    • Attend CiC committee meeting three times a year to feedback on role and issues arising (March, September & November)
    • Make themselves available to support group members who wish to raise a concern.
    • Work alongside the safeguarding lead where needed
    • Liaise with external FTSU guardians to identify joint working to benefit the purposes of NMCWatch
    • Advise CIC committee on any aspects to address with annual aims and campaigning.

Qualities and Skills Required

The Freedom to Speak Up Guardian role requires a range of skills and competencies. These are set out in the Freedom to Speak Up Guardian Education and Training Guide. These include, but are not limited to, skills and competencies in:

  • Communication
  • Partnership building and relationship management
  • Knowledge of the speaking up agenda and local systems
  • Driving continuous improvement
  • Time management and prioritisation
  • Measuring effectiveness and impact
  • Training and capability building
  • Working with senior leaders                                                 

Time Commitment

1 – 2 hours per month

Length of Position: Minimum 1 year

 Have you been referred to the NMC? Contact us as early as possible if you need our support.


How to get involved

NMCWatch is always busy and we regularly need more volunteers.
If your FTP case has concluded and you feel you can help, please let us know.
We need people who are self-motivated and able to take the initiative when assigned a task or role.

Support staff

Secretaries & Admins

We always need two or three people who fulfil the role of secretaries for the CIC committee. As well as prepping for and attending committee meetings, our secretaries help ensure other administrative tasks are completed and recorded.

Our secretaries are currently Paula and Jayne.

Lead roles

Additional members who attend committee meetings approximately 3 times a year to feedback on their lead roles:

Stephanie Poole – Neurodiversity lead – Steph is an Advanced Clinical Practitioner and an Autistic advocate who raises neurodiversity awareness in the workplace. Steph supports our neurodiverse NMCWatch members.

Kamila Hering – LGBTQ Lead. Kamila is an experienced nurse who as a relatively new member of NMCWatch has observed the need for this role among members.

Freedom to Speak Up Guardian 

Kenny Brady – Safeguarding lead. Kenny is a mental health nurse and is experienced in working with those going through drug and alcohol dependency.

Who we are

Meet the CiC

Our directors and executive committee bring many years experience to NMCWatch.

Our Admin team

All our services need admins and secretaries who deal with day-to-day issues.