The FTP process – Step 6 of 7

Navigating FtP: Restoration

1. Revalidation

We get so many queries over whether a nurse or midwife who is under investigation can revalidate and have to help them navigate with the NMC to get clarity on this point.
Generally, the rule is that whilst your case is ongoing your revalidation does not occur – thus placing you in a state of limbo. Once the case is closed you can continue your revalidation but this then opens up a mess of logistics through which you have to navigate. Your registration will be placed as “lapsed” because you have in effect not revalidated and yet the process itself has caused it to lapse. Ordinarily, this wouldn’t be an issue if it were just a question of a day to get it changed over, but some are waiting many weeks for this to occur as the departments within the NMC struggle to communicate with each other.
Over the last 3 months we have had a number of nurses approach us having been referred to an investigations committee following issues with revalidation applications. From unpicking these it appears that they have all been due to simple mistakes, a misunderstanding over what is required or a misinterpretation of what is presented. Again if there had been a one-to-one discussion with the registrant and a clinician at the NMC all, of the issues could have been resolved quickly and without cost. In theory, this is what the confirmer’s role should be. However many confirmers will not explain the “process” to the registrant and will not sit with them whilst they press send on the submission.

2. Re-entry to the register

It is possible to come back to the register if you have had a period of absence, as long as you can show you have, prior to that absence, done the required numbers of clinical hours and hours of CPD.
Simple, one may think. But one of our members recently found that a miscalculation of these hours can lead to a long-winded investigation and being removed from the register for potentially 18 months unless she appealed. Prior to completing the reentry application, her PIN showed as “lapsed”, and the only way to undo it was to go through an investigation, including a panel hearing. At the end of this process, she was left wondering if she really wanted to return to a profession that makes it so difficult to work before she had even set foot on a ward!

3. Returning to the register following appeal

Overturning a strike-off order is no easy task but it has been done.

In order for this to happen the NMC have to “agree” with whatever a High Court Judge has determined in an appeal. This is usually a formality, but they can choose to ignore it if they wish and the registrant would then have to appeal again. But, nonetheless, this formality has to be scheduled to be heard in front of a Substantive Order Review hearing panel which takes time and is unlikely to be arranged quickly.
The convening of the SOR panel will take time to arrange but the registrant can hope it is done around 6-12 weeks following their successful appeal. Once in front of the panel, it will give a decision on if you can have your PIN returned. If so, the panel will sign the matter off.

Does this mean I can practice the next day then?

No! First, you have to navigate through the restoration teams and ensure they communicate with the Fitness to Practice teams. This means it can take up to another 6-8 weeks before your PIN is activated.


Get in touch if you want help to get your PIN restored and return to the registry.


05 - Navigating FtP: Appeals


07 - Navigating FtP: Moving On