who we are

Statement of purpose

Aims of support

We provide a non-judgmental support, advice and advocacy service for all Nurses, Midwives and Nursing associates (registrants) regulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).

We may provide ad hoc support to other Health Care professionals in general with relation to issues relating to Fitness to Practice. We started as an informal support group and this service will continue, however, we will now provide a more formalised service to anyone who seeks it.

Registrants will be supported to make informed choices on how to manage Fitness to Practice issues.

We aim to create an environment where all registrants are able to make informed and supported choices that will maintain, preserve or retain their registration with the NMC or associated body.

We support everyone who approaches us, regardless of ethnicity, sexuality or protected characteristics. Our inclusion and diversity policy is included in this document as Appendix 1, below.

We support people to make informed decisions that respect their individual choices.

Planning is essential to ensure the service is appropriate to the registrants’ needs. Our volunteers and staff will ensure the plans are suitable, adequately implemented, checked, reviewed and changed where necessary. An initial support plan will be written in conjunction with the individual in need.

Key workers and other volunteers will also be involved in providing support for the individuals. The support plan will be reviewed regularly in consultation with the individual involved, with goals, realistic aims, objectives and a risk assessment and support package in place.


Health care

We recognise the need to support the individual with health care needs arising as a result of Fitness to Practise (FtP) proceedings and a number of our volunteers are Mental Health First Aid trained. We will signpost individuals, watch for signs of mental health issues, and offer appropriate support.


Aim of change

As an organisation, we promote change to facilitate caring for our careers. We work within the present FtP system but also seek to influence improvement in the process.


Aim of education

As an organisation, we seek to educate the public, statutory authorities, employers and others on the issues surrounding FtP issues.


What do we do?

  • We run a private and closed Facebook group for those undergoing or who have been through FtP and local employment disputes. This allows peer-to-peer support.
  • We run a separate Facebook sister group (Friends of NMCWatch) for anyone else interested in our work without the peer-to-peer conversations with individuals.
  • We work closely with iEmploy Ltd who can provide legal representation to FtP proceedings.
  • We work closely with the Employees General Union to provide trade union representation for local disciplinary cases.
  • We provide professional mentorship on preparing professional documents for FtP cases, e.g. reflections and timelines.

How do we do it?

Appendix 1: Inclusivity policy.

We are committed to creating and sustaining a positive and inclusive environment for all our members. Our aim is to ensure that everyone is equally valued and respected and that our organisation is representative of all members of society. We define diversity as valuing everyone as an individual – we value our members, committee members and wider network. This is reflected in our values and behaviours and our leadership habits:

  • we treat everyone well and with empathy
  • we lead with integrity and authenticity

Commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion

We believe that everyone stands to benefit when we embrace and value the diversity of thoughts, ideas and ways of working that people from different backgrounds, experiences and identities bring. It helps us grow and learn, enables us to realise people’s potential, improves decision-making, boosts engagement and innovation, and enables us to better meet the needs of our diverse group.

To this end, we have made the following commitments:
  • To create an environment in which individual differences and the contribution of all team members are recognised and valued.
  • To not tolerate any form of unacceptable behaviour, harassment, discrimination, bullying (including cyberbullying) or victimisation in any of our forums or in the provision of our services to our customers.
  • To encourage anyone who feels they have been subject to or witnessed discrimination to raise their concerns with the administrative team first and, if still unhappy with how this has been dealt with, the committee.
  • To make every person aware of their personal responsibility for implementing and promoting equal opportunities in their day-to-day dealings with people and encourage forum members to treat everyone with dignity and respect.

To monitor the effectiveness of our commitment to diversity and inclusion and the supporting policies and procedures and share with the consultative bodies at least annually. We require all members of our community to recognise these commitments and act in accordance with them. In addition, we will comply with all relevant legislation and good practice.No individual will be unjustly discriminated against. This includes, but is not limited to, discrimination because of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.


Dealing with discrimination

Unacceptable behaviour, harassment, discrimination, bullying (including cyber bullying) or victimisation of any individual is perceived as contradictory to our aspirations for a supportive working environment and will not be tolerated. Any allegations of such behaviour will be investigated, and a decision will be made if this warrants removal from the group, in accordance with the Dignity and Respect at Work Policy and Procedure.



Our Committee has overall responsibility for ensuring that we operate within a framework of equality of opportunity.

All associate members and committee members have a duty to support and uphold the principles of our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion and its supporting policies and procedures as do those within our forums and support groups.

Responsibility for the review of this statement lies with the CIC committee. This statement will be reviewed regularly, and, if necessary, revised in light of legislative or organisational changes. It will be made available on request to anyone outside the committee who requires it.

 Agreed by Committee 17 Feb 2022

what we think

Our mission

NMCWatch was established in 2017 to provide support to nurses, midwives, and associated healthcare professionals who find themselves the subject of investigations …

what we think

Our philosophy

We support each other and share our experiences and strengths …

what we are doing

Our two main aims

1. To provide short-term individual support to registrants involved in the FtP process.

2. To work to improve the FtP process so that there is less need for our individual support.

Who we are

Meet the CiC

Our directors and executive committee bring many years experience to NMCWatch.

Our Admin team

All our services need admins and secretaries who deal with day-to-day issues.