who we are
The hardest thing about going through an investigation by your regulator is the isolation and fear it creates.
From the moment you receive that first letter, you are thrown into something which is akin to a grief response.
Denial – you can’t believe it is happening, you try to hide and pretend it isn’t, you try to justify what you know has happened and may even deny what really has gone on.
Anger – that this is happening to you – why not all those others? Why me? Why has everyone abandoned me, how dare my regulator do this to me?
Bargaining – trying to appease the NMC by giving them huge amounts of information in an attempt to shut it all down. Bargaining with employers to keep you employed, or give you a job whilst an investigation is going on. Bargaining with yourself – if I do X surely Y will happen.
Depression – between 90 and 96% of our members have suffered from some level of mental health impact during FtP. Over the past 10 years, 21 nurses have lost their lives before their investigation has closed, and we know that many of these will have taken their own lives. Suicide statistics amongst nurses are high, and those undergoing FtP are particularly at risk due to the social and professional isolation, the financial hardship and the shame that can result from being referred.
Acceptance – we try to help you get to this point.
Through peer-to-peer support, from those who have been there, we can show you that you are not alone and we can help you. We may not always agree with you, and we may not tell you that what you did was right, but we will stand next to you and show you that you can get through this.