Remember your Code of Conduct NMC Council

Letter to reg council members 20.8.24

Requesting vote of no confidence in Chair – Sir David Warren

To: Eileen McEneaney, Rhiannon Beaumont-Wood, Flo Panel-Coates, Navjot Kaur Virk-EXTERNAL

Dear Registrant Council Members,

We write to you under our NMC Code of Conduct to request that you convene an urgent registrant council member meeting. Under your NMC Code of Conduct we believe you are duty bound to consider the recent well publicised lack of professional trust and confidence in the Chair. We feel you are duty bound under your Code of Conduct and as a Fit and Proper Person sitting on council as part of your responsibility under the NMC Order which governs your role on the Council, to act without hesitation.

Due to multiple failures – but materially under the NMC order, we ask you to consider failure on both counts below.

  • The Chief Executive and Registrar has a responsibility to inform the Council at the earliest opportunity of any matters which may represent a significant regulatory, strategic, legal, or financial risk or any matter that risks undermining trust and confidence in the Council by failure to inform council the extent and management of whistle-blower concerns and subsequent handling.
  • The Failure of the Chair to demonstrate the values and behaviours adopted by the Council

We therefore ask you to convene to consider as Registrant council members – with one of you in position as vice chair – that you by resolution provisionally suspend David Warren from office until the Privy Council has reached a decision on whether or not to suspend or remove him under the Constitution Order. We would also recommend that you write to the Charity Commission and inform them of your decision so they can consider as part of their ongoing investigation.

We are aware that any motion proposing the provisional suspension of a member of the Council must be circulated to all members by the Secretary, acting on the instruction of the Chair, and decided in accordance with the Standing Orders. 3.6.4

We understand that on receipt of a written request from at least four members of the Council, the Secretary will circulate to all members any motion proposing the provisional suspension of the Chair of the Council. The motion will be decided in accordance with the Standing Orders.

We are aware that any decision of the Council to suspend provisionally a member will have effect immediately. Any member who is provisionally suspended is not entitled to attend meetings of the Council or its committees, exercise any of the functions of a member, or otherwise participate in Council business. We appreciate that Mr Warren stated recently he was going to remain in position in order to ensure

“I think that continuity is best served by me as chair and the council remaining in place to oversee the processes that we are setting in train.”

We also feel that he has failed in adhering to The Nolan Principles of public life, particularly in so far as Objectivity, accountability and openness. As Chair of Council he should have risen above any internal organisational culture and seen the wider picture for both the public and registrants, registrants who are indeed paying for his annual allowance.

I am sure you agree public opinion and the opinion of many healthcare professionals is that he has demonstrated poor leadership and has potentially been complicit in not addressing the issues raised by internal whistle-blowers (Sam Foster who remains in post and the 2 others who have left employment and currently are anonymous).

We hope you will help move this forward.

Yours sincerely,

Cathryn Watters

RGN & Director of NMCWatch: registrant care CIC (

Cc Dr Joan Myers, OBE (

NMCWatch: Registrant Care CIC


Terms of Reference (

NMCWatch: Registrant Care CIC |


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